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INITIATIVES - mercoledė 11 settembre 2024 

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In the name of Peace

Activities and events

"The National Park of Peace has the purpose to gather up and to organize manifestations, national and international meetings, permanent and temporary exhibitions, projection of films and shows ……" Park’s Instituting Law, n. 381/2000

The promoted initiatives are more and more numerous, thought in order to interest and to attract various types of user: didactic laboratories, concerts, theatrical performance, photography and sculpture’s exhibitions, meetings, debates and conference about peace and civil rights’ themes, sports and recreational activities.

To them are joining the commemorations of the massacre and the most important national and international celebrations.

Many showmen, artists, politicians and entrepreneurs not only visited the National Park of Peace, chiefly they wanted to leave there their own mark supporting improvement’s works or cultural initiatives.

In these web pages You can find the events and the initiatives happening this year, besides a file containing the passed ones.

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