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The Museum - sabato 27 luglio 2024 

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Didactic activity

During the whole year, the Historical Museum of Resistance develops didactic activity for schools of every order and degree: driven visits, education, conferences and meetings.
Every year thousand of students goes to Sant’Anna (in the 2007.2008 scholastic year, they are been more than 8000).

The didactic itineraries for the schools are organized in three times:
- frontal didactic lesson, projection of video-documents and discussion about historical and actual problems.
- visit of the exhibiting area;
- visit to the memory’s places by the support of expert guides and survivors of the slaughter.

During the year laboratories and meetings are organized; they are addressed to students, teachers and operators of the sector, to sensitize and to educate about the themes of the memory, of the peace and of the respect of the human rights.
Among the various initiatives it remembers the Forum of the Young People to Sant’Anna di Stazzema, engaging every year, in the expressive laboratories, in historical-environmental itineraries and in reflections about the historical and actual themes, about 1.000 students, coming from the Province of Lucca, during three days.

for information and bookings:
tel/fax. 0584.772025
tel. 0584 772286

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