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The Museum - domenica 9 febbraio 2025 

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Immagine: external view of the museum

The Museum

The Historical Museum of Resistance of Sant’Anna di Stazzema

The old building of the primary school of the village has been trasformed to the Museum. In autumn 1982, the President of Republic, Sandro Pertini, inaugurated it has a thematic picture gallery. Thanks to the Regional Law No. 39/91, on September 19, 1991 it was transformed to the present-day Historical Museum of Resistance.

The arrangement of the Museum area, allows to move freely between sites related to the facts, and viewpoints showing the spatial relation between the exhibits in the interior and the surrounding landscape, where the tragic events occurred. This settlement create a range of regular correspondences with the history, the identity and the morphology of the place.
On the exterior front of the building, beside the headstone bringing the ode wrote by Calamandrei about Kesselring, there is a sculptural reproduction of a detail of "Guernica" of Picasso.


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Portale di Sant'Anna di Stazzema